Php Four Months Course Detail

  • Object Oriented Programming in PHP
  • Web services
  • Word Press
  • CSS
  • MVC Architecture
  • Project Work

Core PHP

  • Introduction to HTML.5,CSS 3
  • Introduction to PHP
  • PHPs role in Worldwide Web Tech
  • Installing Server on different Platform
  • PHP Language Fundamentals
  • PHP Basics, Variables
  • Declaring & using constants
  • Operators in PHP
  • If, While & For Construct in PHP
  • Comments with PHP
  • Understanding PHP Configuration file

Functions In PHP

  • Introducing Functions
  • Function calls and Function definition
  • Array functions
  • Output functions
  • Using Require() and include ()
  • Using Parameters & Variable scope
  • Calling by Value & Calling by Reference
  • Library Date & Time Functions

Working With Array

  • Array in PHP
  • Indexed Array, Associative Array
  • Multidimensional Array & Array Functions

Working with PHP Forms

  • PHP Web Forms
  • Working with Super Global Variables
  • POST & GET Forms elements in PHP
  • Embedding Forms with PHP code
  • Forms Validation in PHP
  • Uploading Files & MIME types
  • Mail Function to send email
  • Using GD Library
  • Captcha Code Generation

Session and Cookies

  • Understanding Session & Cookies
  • Setting, Deleting Cookies
  • Starting a Session
  • Destroying the variables and session

File Handling

  • File Handling in PHP
  • Storing and Retrieving information
  • Reading, Writing and Copy files with PHP

String Manipulation

  • Regular Expressions
  • Using Filters and String Functions in PHP
  • Magic Quotes
  • Error Handling in PHP

Exception Handling

  • Types of errors
  • How to use Exception class
  • User defined Exception class

MYSQLi - Procedural

  • Database Concepts
  • MYSQL Data Types
  • Importing/Exporting Database
  • PHP MyAdmin, Creating Database, Tables
  • Auto increment and Primary keys
  • Inserting Values into Tables
  • Alter and Update Tables
  • Retrieving Data from Tables
  • Using SQL Queries
  • Join Tables, Group, Union and Intersect Concepts


  • Ajax introduction
  • Ajax example
  • Ajax XML http
  • Ajax Requests
  • Ajax response
  • Ajax event
  • Ajax PHP
  • Programs like Chatting, Suggestion list, Auto updates, etc… With Ajax

Web Hosting

  • Registering Domains
  • Using Control Panel
  • Migrating from Local host to Live Server
  • Using FTP Client

Payment Gateway

  • Gateway Standard
  • Intro to payment gateway and their uses and applications
  • Account creation
  • Difference between account types
  • Transaction Ids
  • Security threats connected with the payment methods

Regular Expressions

  • Validating textboxes, emails, phone number, etc
  • Creating custom regular expressions

XML Integration

  • What is XML
  • Create a XML file from PHP with Database records
  • Reading Information from XML File

Introduction to AJAX

  • Introduction to AJAX
  • Connecting to server using Javascript
  • Creating an XMLHttpRequest object in different Browsers
  • Checking the XMLHttpRequest readystate properly
  • Checking the XMLHttpRequest status property
  • Getting data with the XMLHttpRequest object
  • Fetching text data from the user

Object Oriented Programming in PHP

  • Classes, Objects, Fields, Properties, _set(), Constants, Methods
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance and types
  • Polymorphism
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Static Class Members, Instance of Keyword, Helper Functions
  • Object Cloning and Copy
  • Reflections

XML Integration

  • Why Web Services
  • RSS Syntax
  • REST
  • How to Access Web Services